Back in the early eighties, when I was a little kid and my dad playing with his aquarium, Discus fish are the bane and the beauty of freshwater hobby. Very difficult to stay alive, wild caught specimens in which all the available time, and there is just not a ton of great information about them. They also can be in two colors, brown with black stripes, and turquoise with black or brown. There he is, but today, there are more varieties than I ever thought possible, and keep them more easily than ever before!
Discus Red Varieties
There are quite a few beautiful red Discus fish out there, Marlboro Red being my favorite, followed by Red Melon. The Passion Red and Tangerine Dream are also beautiful specimens, many boasting unusual patterns surprising diversity. Pigeon Blood Red is a favorite of aquarists, and aside from the quite striking fish they are also easier to find descendants of some rare and colors.
Varieties Blue Discus
Far from the same old turqs from the past, the fish Discus brilliant sea of stunning shades. The Blue Diamond, Blue Body Height, with their yellow eyes, is a beautiful view of the fish tank. Modern "wild look" Discus is also brightly colored fish and fish do not like the mud of the past. There are even some varieties of Discus blue look, like Scorpion Blue, and Blue Snake Skin, which attract aquarists from all directions.
Variety Spotted Discus
There are literally see the colors more than one could possibly count, Snow Leopard, one of the most expensive fish on the market, will blow your mind, and glide gracefully through the Butterfly White as a ghost finned slurry tank will be small. The Dragons aggressive look, in all the colors they come in will cut through the tank and catch all eyes, and unusual patterns of Snake Skin Discus fish will be sure to spark conversation when someone places one in your fish tank.
Strange Colors
Ruby Spotted Green is one of my all time favorite, and Snake Skin Green is a fantastic fish to watch. Some aquarium fish schools boast brilliance Yellow Master Discus, and Lemon Peel Spotted, although very rare, is worth the hunt to add to your aquarium.

Discus fish in captivity surely get tons of attention, whether they are wild discus, or some kind of human being raised.
Every time someone saw a tank of discussion for the first time, this reaction is almost identical. Eyes wide, mouth open, and you hear comments like, "What kind of fish is this?" or "Holy Cow, what beautiful aquarium!".
Most people who know little about the aquarium will assume it is a salt water tank because the bright colors.
Now there are so many varieties of species of fish that one would not guess that there are only four species of wild discus fish. (Well, maybe there are other species that are being considered now by scientists).
Their natural habitat is the Amazon River basin in South America. That is the only place you'll find natural spawning discus. And each species is unique to certain areas of the Amazon. In nature, they do not interbreed to a great extent.
The types of wild discus fish is quite simple. Of course, they have a scientific name, but it's much easier to call them Brown, Blue, Green, or Heckel. Heckel's how the heck to get in there with simple colors ...?
But, that Heckel, also marked with two colors, blue or red. You can find out if it Heckel with dark lines that stand out every fifth line along the body.
The demand for very large discus. They are so beautiful that many people want to have them all the time. It is very relaxing to watch the fish do their thing because they are relaxing cruise around in your home aquarium.
Results of requests for a beautiful specimen itself has spawned a "farm discussion" throughout. These breeders in the country have been using selective breeding techniques to produce different varieties of the discussion even more eye-catching colors and patterns.
Sometimes a solid color, such as the Gold Discus. This fish is striking a solid yellow color, one that you definitely will not see in the wild.
Then there is a pattern called the Leopard and Leopard snake and the snake, which each have different colors and / or patterns. But all have a characteristic round, however slim, stylish body.
Which is more desirable discussion brought up wild fish or humans? Consider two things.
First, wild discus fish come from totally different habitats than their domestic cousins. Amazon is a murky and muddy as the opponent, clean tanks fresh from the breeder. So, maybe there are some things the aquarium hobby have to do to try to keep the tank suitable for wild varieties.
Second, fish from a reliable breeder used for this type of environment that you may be supplying to them, and they are more likely to be healthy come from controlled tank (remember, the key is getting them from "reliable" farmers - know where your fish comes from).
Find the best aquarium for your fish is really a matter of personal preference and personal education. If your aquarium hobby "wanna-be", make sure you get a good education before you dive into the tank with expensive fish.

There is a secret many fish to be found, but many people do not know exactly how many different colors and species present discus fish. When it comes to the secrets of fish, here you can learn all discus fish color and how each will never be the same as another.Colour varieties
1 The most common varieties of fish are brown that can be seen especially in the wild. They have a brown color to their base, and the secondary colors are barely visible.2 Blue or green discus fish is the next most common varieties, but they tend to have slightly more than two colors are blue or green.
3 Various next color is various royal blue fish. This disc has a second color that creates lines around the body and has a gold color for the base. These varieties of discus fish the most popular and is responsible for a popular fish to keep. They are easy to distinguish from the color bred discus fish since they are even less than the basic colors, the colors become brighter gold around the breast area.
4 red look green discussions are very rare in the wild and tend to only bred in captivity and has a base color with the color red to green with two holes in it that make up the spots.
5 Various colors last of this discussion is tempting which is actually a different species from discussing all together and they can be identified with the three black bars running down their bodies are much thicker that the other fish.
Another secret is that there are varieties of fish discus only two that are red turquoise that has a reddish base color and have green stripes with black bars. It is also possible to get a discussion of these varieties of the leopard which is when the red stripes appear as spots instead. Discussions second is called cobalt blue diamond solid when the black bars on the body was removed through breeding and in turn provide a brighter color discs and bars less which is the most solid case discus fish.

Native habitat discus (Symphysodon disc) was the Rio Negro and the calm waters of the Amazon River. Omnivorous nature. Movement is very smooth. This fish is also known as the "King of the Aquarium". Discus-called because the shape of her body round like a disc.
There are four species of cultivated discus even though they referred to as the discus, the Heckel Discus (Symphysodon disc), Brown Discus (Symphysodon aequifasciata axetrodi), Green Discus (Symphysodon aequifasciata aequifasciata), and Blue Discus (Symphysodon aequifasciata haroldi). Because so many fans, breeders and hobbyists creativity is needed to bring new and better varieties.
Until now, there are many varieties of discs, among them is the Red Pigeon, Marlboro, Brown Discus, and Cobalt. A good temperature range for maintenance discus 25-30 ° C. While the range of water quality such as acidity (pH) sufficient width of about 5 to 6.5 and soft water hardness between 3-5 ° dH.
Spawning discus is not a problem anymore for breeders and hobbyists. However, treatment should be done carefully. Selection of the parent should be appropriate to the child who produced high quality and high value. A good parent should be without a defect, healthy, active look, the shape proportionally, the largest size among age groups, obese, relatively large mouth, and more than a year old.
Mains very difficult discus imposed paired so often left to choose their own partners in the parent group of candidates. When it looks paired with the couple continued to swim along the stem can be separated from his group. Feeding the mother is a natural food like blood worms and mosquito larvae and artificial feed (pellets) for discus are sold in the market.
Nest eggs are usually made from pieces of plastic gutter placed in the corner or the middle of the aquarium in a standing position. As with other fish, discus any parent would clean the nest before laying her eggs.
The nature of this fish is very unique, ie eggs and larvae can not be separated from its mother. Therefore, the eggs were not separated from its mother and allowed to hatch in the spawning container. The eggs will hatch within 2-3 days. These larvae will continue to stick to its mother until the age of one week.
Usually the larvae will start to swim once a week old. Although it can swim, but the larvae will often stick to its mother until the age of 21 days. Some experts say that the discus larvae eat the slime that comes out of its mother's body or often called a "feed" on the parent. There are also experts who believe that the larvae are fed through the mouth of its mother.
Although this fish is famous for its eggs and care for her child, but there is also the parent who eat their own eggs. While swimming larvae that can not be eaten by its mother. Therefore, farmers usually provide insulation to limit the parent with the eggs. Bulkhead is made of fine wire that looped into the nest. The existence of this septum led to the parent can not reach the egg.
In addition to the bulkhead, the parent may also be replaced with the parent who has been known as nurse eggs and larvae are good. Replacement of the parent is done when finished spawning.Although the feed for the larvae derived from its parent, but it will be even better when added artemia nauplii, or filtered water fleas. When the larvae are separated from its parent, then the feed can be replaced
with a large water bug. However, the quality of the feed must be considered, especially food from nature, so that the fish avoid the disease.Diskus already a month old or more can be given feed silk worms, blood worms or mosquito larvae. Even the pellets can be given in adulthood. While the replacement of water during the enlargement should always be considered. replacement of water is routinely performed every 1-2 days as many as one third or half the volume of water. Size 4 cm or about 3 months old began to be sold.