Selasa, 13 September 2011

Discus (Symphysodon Discus)

Discus known as the "king of the aquarium" is quite popular ornamental fish hobbyists. The increasing number who enjoyed, making the price discus becomes very expensive, especially for species that are famous or trends. As more and more fans discus, discus contests are often held and attended by many participants.
           There are four species of the natural discus, namely Symphysodon discus (Heckel discus), S. aequifasciata axelrodi (brown discus), S. aequi-fasciata aequifasciata (green discus), and S. aequifasciata haroldi (blue discus). Like Hickey, many fans creativity and cultivate fish in the discus breeder raises hybrid varieties with new colors and patterns better than the original. This causes the color and pattern discus are very diverse. In fact, you could say almost every year will appear a new type with attractive colors and patterns. Variasa color discus on the market ranging from white, yellow, red, blue, and brown. While s type ranging from straight lines, random lines, bubbles, until the spots. From the variety of colors and shades, the many emerging new varieties, including snake skin, snake leopart, pigeon red, marlboro, blue diamonds, and red tuquoise. Is almost every year new species emerge with attractive colors and patterns.

         Quality standards are determined from the physical discus fish is smooth, no defects, with scales intact, rounded body shape and somewhat flattened laterally thick, and a fluffy tail fin perfect and no buds. Typically, discus is rather wide mouth with bright color and firm preferred fans and have a higher sale value.
        One that can degrade the quality of discus is the presence of black dots like sand in the back area and damage to the fins for fin rot disease. Discus that have been stricken with the disease has been cured though, the price remains low because the fish will become disabled. Therefore, to maintain quality of the discus necessary knowledge and accuracy in performing maintenance, namely, among others by monitoring water quality and feed regularly.

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