Discus (Symphysodon discus), including freshwater fish species are very sensitive to environmental changes, especially changes in the nature of the water. If the environment does not fit, discus a poor appetite and when experiencing digestive disturbances, will remove dirt sometimes slimy white. For containers, preferably acidic water with low hardness. Oxygen content can be enhanced by aeration using aerators or blowers. The preferred discus water conditions are acidic humus or tannins. To that end, the container into the maintenance of dissolved humus soil containing humus acids and is soft or by way of soak coconut fiber that contain lots of tannins, so the water becomes acidic. The second water bath such materials should always be measured in degrees of acidity with a pH meter. When the desired acidity level is reached, the soil humus or coconut husk removed. And for all, water is checked regularly after two to three weeks of water conditions can change and should be replaced.
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